I met Brett Cracroft in 7th grade at Mt. Jordan Middle School!! But in the 9th grade he became one of my best friends!! And we have stayed best friends ever since!! Brett and I have a very odd relationship! Well, I guess it's really only odd to other people! But to he and I... it is totally normal and it makes sense! Most people don't understand how we can be so close and NOT be dating each other... It's simple really.. Brett is like my adopted brother! My parents even claim him as one of their own!!
So back in December of 2006.. I was at Dimple Dell working.. and Brett came in.. with a HUGE smile on his face, to give me the news that he had received his mission call! He had been called to serve in the Melbourne Australia Mission! And he left May 2, 2007!!!
Well.. the end of April rolled around and I was dreading May's arrival!! I remembered what it was like to have my brother out on his mission.. and i knew it would be pretty similar with Brett.. And I was right!! His farewell talk was rough!! We got there late, because we had gone to my cousin's that same morning, so we had to sit in the foyer.. I stood up against the wall and could see him through the open door.. I had tears streaming down my face almost the whole time!! It was a little pathetic.. I'll admit it!! haha Well... May 2nd came.. and Brett left. :( he was in the MTC for 3 weeks!! And on the day he flew out, May 23rd, he called me.. but i didn't answer my phone... so he left a message!! Don't worry, i cried for 3 days because i missed that call!! But he and I wrote back and forth his entire mission!! And I even got to talk to him on Mother's day in May of '08!!
Finally the two very long years were coming to an end!!! It was almost May and I kept e-mailing Brett and asking him if he knew his flight plans for coming home yet!! His parents flew out to get him so he was gone an extra 10 days!! haha But once he actually knew his flight plans and his parents were there with him.. he called me!! And yet again.. I didn't answer.. so he left a message!! Telling me he'd be home May 16th. His flight landed at 1:03 and I better be there at the airport!!
Well... My parents and I showed up at the airport.... with a few other people... and we all waited for Brett to show up.... 15 minutes went by.. it was 1:20.. and i was getting very anxious!! Brett wasn't coming down the stairs!! 15 mintues turned into half and hour.. and a half an hour into an hour.. still no Brett. Walter called a member of the bishopbric in their ward and he told him their flight plans had gotten changed and they wouldn't be home until the 17th around 4... WHAT?? I thought i had died!!! I was sooo excited to see my best friend and i had to wait another 26 hours!! I cried all the way home from the airport!! I honestly couldn't stop it!! I was sooo disappointed!!
So.. my parents and i headed back to the airport at 3:15 on Sunday, May 17th.... We were almost there when my phone rang.. i didn't know the number.. and usually i don't pick up numbers i don't know... but i answered it.. here is how the conversation went...
Brindi: "Hello?" Mystery caller: "Hello?" Brindi: "Hello?" Mystery caller: "Hello?" Brindi: "Who is this??" Mystery caller: "Who is this??" Brindi: "What?? You called me! Who is this!?" Mystery caller: "Guess!!!" Brindi: "I don't wanna guess!!" Mystery caller: "haha Brindi just...." Brindi: "*gasp* is this my BRETT??" Brett: "Hey Brindi!!!" Brindi: "Wait a minute.... where are you?!?!" Brett: "Im just chillin in the LA Airport!" Brindi: "WHAT?? You're still in LA??" Brett: "Yeah, our flights got all messed up.. but we'll be landing at 8:17 tonight!!"
So as Brett and I finished our conversation my dad turned the car around and we headed back home to wait a few more hours!! I had to take a nap to pass the time!! But... at about 7:30... we headed back to the airport!! 3rd time really is a charm!! :) We got there a little early.. and it's a good thing!! Brett's plane landed early!!! We only had to wait a few minutes and he was coming down the stairs!!! YAY!!! It was sooo good to see him!! I even got a hug!! And I took lots of pictures!! :)

Yay for getting my best friend back!!!! Even if he didn't come home with a sexy accent!
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