As most people know, Bear Lake is one of our favorite places to go as a family! Last summer, since i was in school, I didn't get to go up much.. :( So this year... I made up for it!! Well... as much as i could!! Since I still had a job!! haha

In May we took Brett up for his first time in almost three years!! It was so much fun!! My parents and I took Brett up on Thursday night and spent all day Friday out on the boat wakeboarding! The water was perfectly smoothe all day long!! It was amazing!! Kacey and Josh and their kids came up Friday afternoon and Misty and her family joined us later Friday night! We missed Kade and Tara that trip.. but since Tara had just barely had Mia two weeks before that.. we figured we'd give them a break!! ;) It was Blake's first trip to the lake too!! And he LOVED it!! Usually when we put babies in their lifejackets they HATE it!! But Blake is such an easy going baby so he did really well with it!! And his fat little face was soooo cute all squished!!

We took a week long trip to Bear Lake in July!! My parents went up a few days early for the big "Cousins Party"! My parents said it was a really fun weekend!! I had to miss it because i had to work! :( So i drove up Sunday night with Kacey and Josh!! It was fun to drive up with them!! It had been awhile!! And car rides with them remind me why Heavenly Father made me the youngest child!! haha It was a super fun trip and nice to get away!!!
In August we finally got Kade and Tara up there!! It was a busy week... our old ward came up for Girl's Camp.. So we took them around on the boat!! But we still had a good time with everyone!! Mia and Blake had a great time playing around with each other in the water!! They were so cute!! And it was so fun seeing Mia adjust to the feel of the cooler water... she didn't like it at first... but as time went on she hated it when we'd take her out of the water!!
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